Emmaus Community Groups (CG’s) exist to see the people of Emmaus Church experience gospel-centered belonging, discipleship, care, and mission for the glory of God.
CGs help us know and be known. Our groups are on-going which allows for deep relationships to be built. Through stories (i.e., members sharing their life-story), confession, and fellowship, we get to know each other deeply. By knowing one another deeply we help our members to:
- Feel a sense of kinship with fellow brothers and sisters in the family of God
- Experience true unity with each other—it is through these groups primarily that we see God “knit our hearts together in love” (Colossians 2:2)
- Avoid the besetting problem of isolation in the Christian life
CGs aid Emmaus Church in discipling our members by providing opportunity for strategic formation to take place. This happens through:
- Sermon-based conversations, which help our members to apply the preached Word to our ways of thinking and living
- Confession of sins, which creates space for real healing. Scripture tells us to confess our sins not only to the Lord, but also to one another. Our CGs are designed for the sermon discussion to draw out confession of various sins (disbelief, doubt, fears, actions, apathy, disobedience, etc). As our members confess to one another, they experience the truth of one of our mantras: confession only ever yields life.
- Gospel response to each other. Ephesians 4:11-16 says that the Church’s leaders are to equip the saints for the work of the ministry (i.e., building one another up in the gospel to maturity in Christ). In CGs, the members of Emmaus have the opportunity to do this work and build one another up by pressing each other on toward maturity in Christ. This means that when believers confess sin, it rests on other group members to speak gospel-truth to said sin. In this way, we link arms with one another and remind ourselves of the gospel with desire to help the confessor find freedom from sin. Because of this, our groups are hospitable to the confession of sin, and absolutely inhospitable to the practice of sin.
- Testimonies of God’s grace. We not only want to confess our sins, but to celebrate God’s grace and goodness to us by telling each other how God has answered prayer and sanctified us week by week.
CGs are the primary way that Emmaus Church cares for the day to day needs of our people. Each CG is served by a Deacon who takes the lead role in serving the physical needs of that group’s members. Whether a member is having a baby, experiencing sickness, in need of financial help, or celebrating something in life, his or her CG has committed to walk with each member and care for them in their journey. This is not the responsibility merely of the leaders of the group, but of each and every member.
CGs are given opportunities to partner together in mission to our city! From block parties at your host home, to outreach projects with refugees, or supporting group members in ways that they are seeking to declare and display the gospel in our city, being a part of a CG gives you opportunity to be on mission together.
The Setting
CGs meet regularly in homes throughout our city. A typical meeting lasts for 2 hours and includes food, fellowship, prayer, and discussion. Groups regularly take a break from the normal to have an all fellowship night, an outing for an event and the like in order to just have fun with each other.
Each CG is responsible for its own childcare. Some of our groups rotate their members through watching the children and others chip in to pay for childcare.
Should You Join a Community Group?
- Are you a covenant member of Emmaus? Then yes: you have covenanted with us to be active in community through CGs.
- Do you believe that Emmaus is the church that you should call home? Then consider joining a CG to dive deeper into the faith-family called Emmaus. (And plan to attend the next Discover Emmaus to begin the process of membership!)
- Are you signed up for or planning to attend Discover Emmaus? Then join a community group! Groups are required for members.
- Are you simply looking for a Bible study to be a part of? We would say that CGs are not the next step for you. We’d love to have you join us for one of our classes that we offer instead. (Examples from Fall 2018: Introduction to Theology, How to Read the Bible, Gospel Parenting, Women’s Mentoring Study, Men’s Retreat)
- Are you still looking around at churches and not yet ready to make Emmaus your church home? Then we’d recommend that you not join a group yet as they are designed for commitment to each other.
For Questions and more information: groups@emmauskc.com