We believe that there are many ingredients involved in making a healthy Christian, and the Sunday morning gathering is definitely one of them. Each week we live our lives being bombarded by lies; we are told that we are so bad that we are beyond hope or so good that we are beyond need. Throughout our week we are tempted to put our hope in and stake our joy on things and people that will inevitably fail us. A gospel-centered, Jesus-exulting weekly gathering is a major defense against these errors. We need to be reminded by others and need to remind others of the wonders purchased for us by the person and work of Jesus Christ. Gathering with other Christians is a God-ordained means to do this.
At Emmaus, we are purposely consistent in regards to what you will see on a Sunday. We are trying to build a gospel rhythm through Sundays that plays itself out in every other day of our week. There are many things you can expect to see and hear on any given Sunday, here are a few:
1. Preaching
Preaching is held in high-esteem at Emmaus Church and something you'll experience every Sunday. Our preaching is primarily "expository" which means we prefer to preach through books of the Bible. We believe the primary mode of Christian preaching should be this way in order that the Scriptures dictate our message instead of any idea or topics our leaders come up with. Our preaching will always be centered around the gospel as well. We aren't offering self help or better living tips; we are trying to bring everyone at Emmaus into a deeper love of Christ crucified, raised, and reigning.
2. Worship
Every week at Emmaus we will be led in song. We believe, like preaching, that this is a vital ingredient for the health of a Christian. Emmaus spends great care in making sure that the songs we sing are theologically accurate, biblically rich, and gospel saturated. We sing a mix of old and new songs, each one aimed at edifying the church and glorifying God.
3. Community
The Christian life is not one that is to be lived alone. We are in desperate need for brothers and sisters in the faith who will walk through life with us, with each step pointing us to the gospel. We know that as those who have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, we don't deserve loving brothers and sisters in our life so we believe that the fellowship we experience as a Church on Sunday mornings is evidence of God's grace towards us. Emmaus has a strong community of people who are truly living life with one another - through seasons of great victory and seasons of pain. Sunday morning isn't the only place this is happening, yet it is a vital aspect of our community together.
There are many other aspects of a Sunday morning at Emmaus Church, yet these three are vital. If you have any other questions about our service feel free to read the FAQs page.