The purpose of this testimony is for the existing members of Emmaus Church to be able to make an informed vote on incoming members. By welcoming these applicants into this local church, the members of Emmaus are covenanting to link arms with them, so as to say, “This is my brother or sister. We are their keepers, and they are our keeper.” This testimony, along with the signatures of other members and the elders collectively signify the rationale for making such a significant commitment to the applicant. We have made these testimonies available to you, our members, in order to give you confidence in affirming or denying membership.  

We have chosen these questions because we believe that the determining factors for membership should have nothing to do with personality, interests, age, ethnicity, or hobbies, circumstances, etc. Rather, membership should hinge on a regenerated life transformed by God in the gospel (testified by the applicants testimony and the signatures of other members and elders), a commitment to sound doctrine (testified by the applicants agreement with our doctrinal statement), and a commitment to faithful discipleship (testified by the applicants signature to our membership covenant). Remember that a church member does not need to be a perfected person or even a mature believer, they must simply be a believer. It is the church's mission to walk with church members as they grow in sanctification. 

Each candidate's testimony is being uploaded here.  If they are presented at members meeting it is because the elders, a community group leader, our director of membership, and another member have signed off on them, saying that they have completed the process of membership and to the best of our ability we see them as having a true profession of faith. 

  • Logan Campbell

    What is the gospel?

    The gospel as I understand it is that in God's creation of the world He created mankind, and in creating mankind we sinned and fell short of all the requirements that were expected of us. Because we fell short and sinned against God we are deserving an eternal punishment in hell suffering from God's holy wrath, and we can not provide any works to get ourselves out of the wrath of God. Because of this reality and God's undeserving love for mankind, He sends His only Son to die the death we all deserve and to pay our ransom. He lived the perfect life that we could never live because of our sinful nature, and He willingly goes to the cross because of His great love for us and for His name. Jesus Christ suffered the wrath of God for all those who will believe in His name. Three days after Christ's death on the cross He was resurrected and appeared to all the disciples and the early church and ascended to the Father. Now all those who believe and put their trust in Christ's death to be sufficient for their salvation will be justified by faith from the Father. This is a gift of grace from God, just as is every step in salvation. God melts their heart from stone into a heart of flesh that is able to receive the gospel in a positive way.

    Why do you believe you have embraced the gospel and are a follower of Jesus Christ?

    I believe that I'm a follower of Jesus and have received salvation because I hate the sin that's present in my life and am repulsed by the sin that occurs in my life. I love God and His Word, but I don't love Him as much as I'm supposed to, but that's also just a reality of not being made perfect yet. When I put my faith in Jesus I saw my lifestyle change so much. The habits of my mouth have changed along with the words that I say to others. I still have the problems with lusting and pornography, which hurts my connections with God and my family.

    Have you been baptized since embracing the gospel and becoming a follower of Jesus? If yes, describe the circumstances of your baptism. If no, would you be willing to allow Emmaus Church to baptize you?

    I was baptized at age 6. Before I was able to get baptized my dad made sure that I knew what I was supposed to know about the gospel. He had asked me on several occasions multiple questions on what the gospel is, and he made sure that I loved Jesus. In between then and now, a span of 14 years, I had pushed myself away from God pursuing what I wanted and acted how I wanted. But when I was 18 God called me back showing me the futility and how poisonous the way I was living was. My baptism was following my profession of faith, but I also wanted to get baptized so that I'd be able to participate in communion, so my heart wasn't fully in the place where it should have been. I partly waited until I was a little bit older for baptism because it would have meant a better deal to me. I also didn't really understand and feel the weight of my sin at age 6, but I definitely do now that I'm older. Now I understand what it means to be a sinner and the consequences that this reality brings.

  • Thomas Kidd

    What is the gospel?

    Our sins separate us from God because of his perfect holiness, and they put us on a path to eternal damnation. God graciously offers us salvation through the atoning work of Christ on the cross, and his victory over sin and death in his resurrection.

    Why do you believe you have embraced the gospel and are a follower of Jesus Christ?

    I became a believer in Christ my freshman year at Clemson University through the ministry of the Navigators. I have been a member of churches in Indiana and Texas, including the last twenty years at Highland Baptist in Waco, Texas.

    Have you been baptized since embracing the gospel and becoming a follower of Jesus? If yes, describe the circumstances of your baptism. If no, would you be willing to allow Emmaus Church to baptize you?

    I was baptized as a believer when I joined Oak Creek Community Church in Indiana during my Ph.D. program at Notre Dame. It is a Baptist church and requires believer's baptism for membership. I had been baptized by sprinkling as a sixth grader in a Methodist church, but I was not a believer at that time.

  • Ruby Kidd

    What is the gospel?

    Man is sinful, God is holy. Our only rescue is through belief in Jesus's death and resurrection for forgiveness of sins. 

    Why do you believe you have embraced the gospel and are a follower of Jesus Christ?

    As a freshman at Michigan State, I first heard and understood the gospel of salvation through Christ and believed in Christ for salvation. Since then I have been walking with Christ and have been a member at churches in Michigan, Indiana, and for the last twenty years at Highland Baptist in Waco, Texas.

    Have you been baptized since embracing the gospel and becoming a follower of Jesus? If yes, describe the circumstances of your baptism. If no, would you be willing to allow Emmaus Church to baptize you?

    In the Spring semester after I accepted Christ. Yes, it was after my profession of faith as a believer.

  • Josh Kidd

    What is the gospel?

    We are all depraved and rebellious towards the holy God who created us. There is nothing that we can do to redeem ourselves before God. The good news is that God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, truly God and truly man, to die on the cross and bear the penalty of the sins of all who repent and believe in Him.

    Why do you believe you have embraced the gospel and are a follower of Jesus Christ?

    I believe that I have received salvation because by the grace of God, I have repented and put my faith in Christ. I now have the Holy Spirit inside me, which causes me to hate the things of the world and long for the things of God.

    Have you been baptized since embracing the gospel and becoming a follower of Jesus? If yes, describe the circumstances of your baptism. If no, would you be willing to allow Emmaus Church to baptize you?

    I was baptized when I was seven, after my conversion of faith.

  • Mason Skaggs

    What is the gospel?

    The gospel of Jesus is that humans were created by God, to know Him, and enjoy Him. God is Holy, which means he is altogether righteous and is unable to sin; He is different than us. When Adam and Eve chose to sin, they chose their own desires over God's commands and chose to trust in lies rather than in God's character. Now all humans are born as enemies of God and love to do that which is evil, rather than that which is good (John 3:19). The wages of sin is death (Rom 6:23) God promised Adam and Eve that Eve would give birth to a man who would destroy their worst enemy, the devil/Death. God chose a people for Himself, to reveal Himself to them and to make them an example; so that all people would come and worship the true God. God gave them commandments and they broke them, as well all do. He gave them judges, prophets and kings and his chosen people disobeyed, killed, and ignored them. God is just, so he has to punish liars, adulterers, thieves, and those who don't love Him perfectly. But, in order to be merciful and loving, out of the abundance of His grace, God sent His own Son, Jesus, who is both God and man. Jesus suffered for the sin of the world. He paid the debt that is owed to God by all those who would believe in Him. He satisfied God's wrath and died on the cross. He was buried and after three days, He rose again and was seen by hundreds. Then Jesus ascended into Heaven where He reigns today. Jesus will return to judge the world in righteousness (Acts 17:31). Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (Rom 10:13). To be saved from Hell, to receive everlasting life, and to be reconciled to God, all one must do is repent (turn from sin and confess/ask forgiveness) (Acts 17:30; Acts 3:19) and believe that Christ died for their sins (Romans 10:13). When someone places their trust in the person of Jesus, His perfect life, atoning death, resurrection, and ascension, that person receives the Holy Spirit, who convicts the believer of sin, empowers the believer with Spiritual gifts for the up-building of the church, and testifies to the believer of their salvation. None can receive this gift apart from God choosing them before time. God is the Initiator. For by grace a person is saved through faith, not as a result of their works (Eph 2:8-9). God lovingly adopts the wicked sinner into His family after justifying them and cleansing them by the blood of His Son and sealing them with the Holy Ghost. Believers will live forever, ruling with God in perfect bodies. Those who are saved by God are commanded to go and make disciples of all nations, sharing the news of this awesome gift.

    Why do you believe you have embraced the gospel and are a follower of Jesus Christ?

    I used to love sin, I was addicted to a plethora of hard drugs for over 6 years, I was enslaved to sexual sin, worshiped demons, and hated God. Jesus pursued me relentlessly and triumphed over me. He converted me and showed me that He was more beautiful and worthy than anyone/anything else. He gave me a new spirit/heart to hate my sin and to love His righteousness. He also gave me the Holy Spirit as evidenced by conviction for sin, love for other Christians, a new love for/ understanding of the Bible, and power for Christian living/evangelism through Spiritual gifts. The Holy Spirit testifies to me of my salvation and cries out to God.

    Have you been baptized since embracing the gospel and becoming a follower of Jesus? If yes, describe the circumstances of your baptism. If no, would you be willing to allow Emmaus Church to baptize you?

    I was baptized by immersion in 2019 following my conversion.

  • Courtney Skaggs

    What is the gospel?

    About two thousand years ago, a man was born into the world, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He was born to the Virgin Mary, being totally man and totally God, the Son of God. Jesus lived the perfect life that none of us can or have lived. He was blameless and without blemish. Philippians 2:6 tells us that Jesus did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but that he emptied himself and became a servant, born in the likeness of men. Christ was persecuted and put to death on a cross to fulfill the will of God and the Scriptures. Three days later he was raised from the dead. We have been given a hope for "if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his" (Romans 6:5). Jesus redeemed all of creation from the law by becoming the curse for us. On the cross he bore the sin of the world, wiping away iniquities and making us righteous before the Father; that whoever believes in the name of Jesus and confesses that He is Lord will be saved. God, being rich in mercy, having such great love for us made us alive together in Christ (Eph 2:4). We all have sinned, lied, lusted, blasphemed, but God has given us a free gift of salvation through the atoning work of Jesus Christ, all are made new and justified by his grace and mercy.

    Why do you believe you have embraced the gospel and are a follower of Jesus Christ?

    I believe I am a follower of Jesus because I love what I once hated and hate what I once loved. I loved sin and the passions of my flesh. I desired to turn away from God, to live in habitual sin and shame. I now desire to seek holiness through a growing relationship with Christ, fellowship with believers, and confession of my sins. I grew up in the Bible Belt where going to church is the norm. I was a very "cultural and moral Christian" growing up. I would attend church regularly, go to bible camps, and was even baptized at 13. I had no repentance of my sin though, I had no fear of the Lord, or knowledge of the weight of my sin. Growing up Jesus seemed logical, I agreed with what was taught in church and liked the morality of it all. Looking back, I know I wasn't truly saved. I had no fruit, no desire to confess sin, no personal relationship with God. Sin wasn't really talked about in my house, and I thought that being a good person was enough. I ran away from God for many years throughout high school and college. It wasn't until I met my now husband that I considered going to church again. We first attended a church together in 2019. He was saved that Spring. I felt happy for him and for us, but it was because of the "good morality" I knew it would bring to our relationship. At that point, I still saw God as a good-luck charm. It wasn't until the Fall of 2019, after we were married that I received salvation. I can't recall an exact instance, but the Lord had softened my heart and opened my eyes to my own depravity over the period of about six months. It's like God just flipped a switch. The truth that once was only head knowledge penetrated my heart. I was grieved over my apathy towards God. I started to see the weight of my sin, the wrath that my sin deserves, and the fact that I needed a savior; and that the only person who can make me blameless and new is Jesus.

    Have you been baptized since embracing the gospel and becoming a follower of Jesus? If yes, describe the circumstances of your baptism. If no, would you be willing to allow Emmaus Church to baptize you?

    I was baptized in the Spring of 2019. Rethinking over my testimony and my relationship with God, I wasn't a true follower of Christ at the time. I think I felt very pressured by the first church we attended, and didn't want to disappoint my husband. I was living on borrowed faith, and thought that I would "try on Jesus" without even having a relationship with him. I desire to be baptized now that I have put my faith and trust in Jesus. - Courtney will be baptized at the Members Meeting.

  • Collin Erickson

    What is the gospel?

    The gospel of Jesus is the Good News that Jesus has come to intercede on our behalf for our sins. Man was created in the image of God but in our mistrust and rebellion against the Lord, our hearts fell into sin, creating a chasm between us and God. This divide that was caused by sin made it ever impossible for us to be in a relationship with God, and ultimately results in eternal death and eternity in hell. But God who is the creator of all things wants to be in relationship with His creation as He intended it to be. So God sent His Son Jesus Christ to live a perfect life, free from sin and perfectly resistant to temptation, and give up His life and take on the wrath of God's judgement for us. It is only through believing in Jesus Christ that we can truly come into relationship with God and have eternal life. Jesus is the sacrificial lamb that paid for our sins because out of His radical love for us. Though those who believe in him are interceded for by Jesus, there is still judgement for those who do not believe. Those who are not known by the Father and do not love Jesus will spend eternity apart from God in hell. Knowing this is by God's justice, we as Christians should be more motivated to live out the Great Commission and pursue nonbelievers so that they may also come into an eternal relationship with God.

    Why do you believe you have embraced the gospel and are a follower of Jesus Christ?

    Through my early life, I was always focused on perfection- being the best son, best student, best friend, etc. Even in attending a church my whole life, I was convinced that I needed to be the "best Christian" among my peers. I don't think I was thinking of that from a works vs. salvation perspective- I purely just wanted the approval of everyone around me. What I didn't realize was the depth of my sin. It wasn't until I was 17 that I actually heard the Gospel of Jesus preached. I wrestled with the fact of being a sinner for some time- how could the kid who tried to be perfect in literally everything be a sinner? That line of thinking could not have been further from the truth. After being invested in by a couple older Christians and hearing the Word continually preached, the Lord opened my eyes to see the depravity of sin I was actually living in. The "perfection" that I was believing in was not actually perfection at all- in fact it was rebellion against the Lord. After believing in the Gospel, seeing my need for a Savior, and coming into a relationship with the Lord, I noticed how my actions and thought patterns began to change, and addictions started to lose grip on me. As the Lord continued to work in my life over the next few years, He weighed investing in other guys on my heart heavily so they would also hear the Gospel. The Lord has continued to show me more and more the absolute authority and perfection of His Word, and that He is worthy of all praise. Though I still do struggle at times with the desire of earthly perfection, I take solace in knowing Jesus' ultimate perfection.

    Have you been baptized since embracing the gospel and becoming a follower of Jesus? If yes, describe the circumstances of your baptism. If no, would you be willing to allow Emmaus Church to baptize you?

    Yes, I was baptized in July of 2021. I had been a Christian for about 10 years at that point.

  • Kalyn Erickson

    What is the gospel?

    The gospel is the good news that Jesus, the Son of God, fully human and fully God, came down to earth and took on flesh, lived a perfect life free of sin and was crucified, taking on the sin of the world, on behalf of each person and then rose again, conquering death. We need only to have faith to receive the salvation of Christ.

    Why do you believe you have embraced the gospel and are a follower of Jesus Christ?

    I grew up in a Christian household and from a young age learned about my need for a savior. I decided to follow Christ when I was in early elementary school and have grown in my understanding of what that means since then. As a follower of Jesus, I not only believe that he is the Son of God who died for my sins, but because of that belief, I strive to live for him in the way that he models and teaches in the Bible.

    Have you been baptized since embracing the gospel and becoming a follower of Jesus? If yes, describe the circumstances of your baptism. If no, would you be willing to allow Emmaus Church to baptize you?

    Yes, I was baptized when I was 8 years old, after I decided to follow Jesus.

  • Hannah Treat

    What is the gospel?

    We live in a broken world with a Father who wants to dwell with us forever but we aren't worthy enough. God sent his son to earth to die for us so we could live in eternity with Him. The ultimate sacrifice given to us for free, all we have to do is believe Christ died for us, and follow in a life of faithfulness.

    Why do you believe you have embraced the gospel and are a follower of Jesus Christ?

    I lived a life in the church, both my parents have worked in a church for almost my entire life. I knew all the "church" answers at a very young age. What I learned is I knew but didn't understand. The Lord showed me his gentleness and strength when I was at a prayer night in my student ministry, reading his word on my knees. I had been poured into by several of the women in our student ministry, they showed me how to study His word, hear what it has to say, and how to show it in your day to day life. I know that Christ died for me, and he is constantly renewing my spirit, and growing me deeper in faith and knowledge of His word daily.

    Have you been baptized since embracing the gospel and becoming a follower of Jesus? If yes, describe the circumstances of your baptism. If no, would you be willing to allow Emmaus Church to baptize you?

    I was baptized when I was 9, but later realized that I had no real understanding of what being saved was. I was still very scared, and also had a hardened heart toward several things. In high school, the Lord really made himself known to me, and I was rebaptized, but I would say finally dedicating my life to the Lord and walking in his way, then. I did not take the rededication lightly, I knew that it's not a thing you do every few years when you want to "re" give your life. I know without doubt that from that day forward, I was actively pursuing a walk with the Lord.

  • Maddy Karst

    What is the gospel?

    The gospel of Jesus is the good news that we, as a human race, don’t have to live in death and fear of judgment anymore. The gospel is the story of how that happened. As foretold in the Old Testament, God sent his son, Jesus, down to earth to be born to a virgin. He lived a perfect life, teaching and doing ministry and then died a gruesome death on the cross. This death fulfilled the requirements of sin and paid for all sin for those who accept his gift. But death could not claim Jesus. He rose from the dead and lived on earth for 40 more days before he descended to heaven to prepare a home for those who choose to accept his sacrifice.

    Why do you believe you have embraced the gospel and are a follower of Jesus Christ?

    I believe I am a follower of Jesus and am saved because I have confessed with my mouth and believed in my heart that Jesus is Lord and that God raised him from the dead. I also am assured of my salvation because I can see the Holy Spirit working in my life. I have seen the true change and growth in my life and others have testified that they have seen change in me and in my life.

    Have you been baptized since embracing the gospel and becoming a follower of Jesus? If yes, describe the circumstances of your baptism. If no, would you be willing to allow Emmaus Church to baptize you?

    I was baptized when I was 8. I had accepted Christ at a young age and was baptized in a Non-Denominational church that taught that baptism is something exclusively for believers who are able to comprehend the purpose and significance of baptism.

  • Jayde Springer

    What is the gospel?

    I have come to appreciate the Gospel more and more every day over this last year. The Gospel is a story of grace, hope, love, forgiveness, and victory in Jesus Christ. The Gospel is about Jesus who came down so he could save the lost and ultimately die on the cross for our sins. He took all suffering upon himself so we could have eternal life with him. Jesus in his kindness and love didn't want us to suffer for our sins, so he came down to take that away from us. Without the Gospel, we could have no hope. We would still be separated from Jesus. The Gospel is what gives us the freedom to walk with him in repentance. It allows us to every day have grace poured out on us. We no longer have to live in guilt, because Jesus paid that debt for our sins. He took our burden upon himself, so we did not have to bear that pain. Jesus does not care about our past mistakes. He just wants us to run to him and be with him in the freedom he gives. We can be assured that we have victory when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. The Gospel is good news, that by Jesus coming to pay the debt for our sins we can be reconciled to God and walk in freedom with him. There is nothing else as important as the Gospel, for, without the Gospel, we have nothing.

    Why do you believe you have embraced the gospel and are a follower of Jesus Christ?

    I believe I am saved because I have seen my heart grow and change over these past few years. I have seen the Gospel take root in my heart from how I act to what I believe. The fruits of the spirits have been growing inside of me since the time of my salvation. I see where the Holy Spirit convicts me and points me to what pleases God. I have seen where my heart has changed to love as Jesus did and to serve his people who need help. I am no longer concerned with what pleases me but want to do as God leads. The one quote that has been a big part of my testimony for a while is when Jesus says " your will and not my own." I see where I trust God with my circumstances and realize that what I am going through is for his glory and not my own. My life is to be a representation of Jesus and I should be concerned with giving all praise and glory to him

    Have you been baptized since embracing the gospel and becoming a follower of Jesus? If yes, describe the circumstances of your baptism. If no, would you be willing to allow Emmaus Church to baptize you?

    I was baptized when I was 8 years old at Experience Life Church in Lubbock TX. This was following my conversion of faith. I got saved when I was in 3rd grade at an after-school club called Good news club. They shared the Gospel every week with us and went through a bible story. It was one time that I just felt as if I believed in what they were saying and that Jesus is as amazing as they say he is. So I accepted him there that day.

  • JEnea Lien

    What is the gospel?

    The Gospel is Jesus as 100% God became 100% man to live a sinless life, chose to take our place, and pay the price for our sin by suffering and dying on a cross. Not only did He pay the price for our sin on the cross, THEN He conquered death by rising from the dead.

    Why do you believe you have embraced the gospel and are a follower of Jesus Christ?

    Because I confess with my mouth and believe in my Heart that Jesus is Lord. My salvation is not because of my own righteousness, but because Jesus has become my righteousness.

    Have you been baptized since embracing the gospel and becoming a follower of Jesus? If yes, describe the circumstances of your baptism. If no, would you be willing to allow Emmaus Church to baptize you?

    I was baptized as an infant growing up in a Lutheran church. And again at 23, and 28. Each time it was out of a season of intentional growth in the Lord.

  • Gregory Warton

    What is the gospel?

    That those who have accepted Christ as their lord and savior. Who died for our sins. But by no works of our own. Our salvation is by no means by our own fruits. Only through christ are we saved. Gal 3:2-3 is one of many examples of God's grace given to us when we deserve death. As most of us are scoundrels and undeserved of salvation. It's an upside down kingdom where those who would be last in this world would be first. It's when we walk away from God and when we come back, he greets us with open arms. I could go on and on but to put it simply the one constant theme of the gospel is grace.

    Why do you believe you have embraced the gospel and are a follower of Jesus Christ?

    As much as I have strayed from God through out my life, he has pulled me back to him. He never let me stray too far away. Like a child on a leash. That's what he has done but cause I have accepted Christ's offer of grace.

    Have you been baptized since embracing the gospel and becoming a follower of Jesus? If yes, describe the circumstances of your baptism. If no, would you be willing to allow Emmaus Church to baptize you?

    Yes sorta it was only a water on the head at a Presbyterian church to become a member when I was 15. I accepted Christ when I was 5. Would like to be baptized again now that I have returned back to the church in recent years. - Will be baptized at the Members Meeting.

  • Sam Pioretta

    What is the gospel?

    The gospel is the power of God for salvation. The gospel message declares that the eternal, triune God created humanity in His image to glorify Him, know Him, and worship Him. But the first two humans, Adam and Eve, rebelled against God, broke His law, and incurred His just punishment -- death. Now, every human to come after Adam and Eve is conceived in sin. All humanity is born separated from God and desiring the things of the flesh. All humanity is guilty and deserving of God's just punishment -- eternal death in Hell. Now, if all humanity is guilty and deserving of just punishment, how can any man be counted as righteous before God and inherit eternal life? With man, salvation is impossible, but with God, all things are possible. And so, the eternal Son, the second person of the Trinity, was born of a virgin into this world 2,000 years ago, taking on human flesh. God became a man - truly God and truly man. The God-man, Jesus Christ, lived a perfect life and obeyed the law of God, thus earning righteousness. He then chose to go to a Roman cross and be crucified in place of sinners. He who knew no sin became sin. And God the Father poured out His wrath on sin on Christ as He died in our place. God is just; He must punish all sin. So God punished sin on Christ. Christ died, was buried in a borrowed tomb, and three days later was resurrected from the dead, vindicating His work and message. He appeared to His disciples and 500 others for forty days. At the end of the forty days, He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right and of the Father. He will come back one day to judge the living and the dead. Now, the offer of the gospel is simple. God offers the forgiveness of sins and eternal life through faith in Christ Jesus. The gospel commands all people to repent of their sinful ways and submit to Christ as Lord and Savior. Through faith, God imputes the righteousness of Christ to the sinners, justifying them. And the Holy Spirit indwells them and seals them, making them alive in Christ.

    Why do you believe you have embraced the gospel and are a follower of Jesus Christ?

    I believe God saved me because I understand that I am a sinner who deserves Hell and that there is no hope for eternal life apart from faith in Christ. And I believe that by His sovereign grace, I have repented and believed in Him. I believe God saved me because I am grieved by my sin and desire nothing more than to be like Christ. I can say that my truest and deepest affections are for Christ. I believe God saved me because I feel the love of God shed abroad in my heart. I believe God saved me because I have seen the fruit of salvation in my life. I believe God saved me because I rejoice in my sufferings. I believe God saved me because I have the hope of eternal life.

    Have you been baptized since embracing the gospel and becoming a follower of Jesus? If yes, describe the circumstances of your baptism. If no, would you be willing to allow Emmaus Church to baptize you?

    I have been baptized twice. I believe both were following conversion. My first baptism was at age 6 in an ELCA Lutheran Church. My second was at 23. I was immersed at Harvest Plain Church (a Baptist Church) on a Sunday morning by pastor Cody Weckerly after a public profession of faith.

  • Kenzie White

    What is the gospel?

    This world is broken and sinful because of the actions of Adam and Eve. Because of that sin we cannot be with God in His perfection. There is nothing we can do, no matter how "good" we are, to repair the brokenness in our relationship with Him. Because of this He sent His son Jesus to be the perfect sacrifice. Jesus came to the earth, lived a life without sin, died and rose from the dead three days later. He then ascended into Heaven and left us with the Holy Spirit to continue His work until the day He returns.

    Why do you believe you have embraced the gospel and are a follower of Jesus Christ?

    I could get long winded here about all the moments where He's shown me but instead I'll just say how He's changed me. I used to be really angry and hopeless and it made the people in my life miserable. Now I have hope and no longer look at the world like its out to get me, sure its not perfect, but compared to my childhood I am a whole new person. I don't believe that I could make those kinds of changes to my own heart so it has to be the work of God.

    Have you been baptized since embracing the gospel and becoming a follower of Jesus? If yes, describe the circumstances of your baptism. If no, would you be willing to allow Emmaus Church to baptize you?

    I was baptized as a child, around 5 or 6, but I'm not completely sure if I had truly accepted Christ at that age. I had remember all my friends doing it so I wanted to as well. I was baptized again at the age of 14 and I know for a fact that that was after the heart change had started. Growing up in the church it's hard to pinpoint when my decision to follow Christ was but I knew, in middle school, it was truly my choice to follow Him. Not because my parents and peers did.

  • Elizabeth Munnell

    What is the gospel?

    The gospel of Jesus is the good news that Jesus Christ came to earth as a man, died on the cross, and then rose again from the grave to save sinners. All humans are sinners and are thus separated from the holy and one true God because of their sin. However, Jesus made a way for us to be reconciled to God and have communion with Him, if we confess our sins and profess Jesus as Lord and Savior of our lives.

    Why do you believe you have embraced the gospel and are a follower of Jesus Christ?

    Yes, I am a follower of Jesus and I believe I have received salvation. I came to know Christ at the young age of 4 years old. That is when I truly understood that I was a sinner and I needed Jesus to save me. I asked Him to come into my life then and have been growing in my faith ever since.

    Have you been baptized since embracing the gospel and becoming a follower of Jesus? If yes, describe the circumstances of your baptism. If no, would you be willing to allow Emmaus Church to baptize you?

    I was baptized on April 4, 2004. This was after my conversion of faith because I was 15 when I was baptized and I was 4 years old when I was converted.

  • Charley Bailes

    What is the gospel?

    The good news that because of our sins, we deserve hell, but God sent Jesus to die in our place. Because of this free gift, we can walk with Him in righteousness.

    Why do you believe you have embraced the gospel and are a follower of Jesus Christ?

    I accepted Jesus as a pre-teen. I understood the choice I was making and have dedicated my life to following Jesus.

    Have you been baptized since embracing the gospel and becoming a follower of Jesus? If yes, describe the circumstances of your baptism. If no, would you be willing to allow Emmaus Church to baptize you?

    I was baptized at 12 or 13. This was after my conversion of faith, and after attending a new believer's class at the church I went to with my parents.

  • Christine Bailes

    What is the gospel?

    He came to earth to live a blameless life to take my place on the cross and wash me of my sins. He took the death I deserve. He gives me the gift of Grace that I receive through faith.

    Why do you believe you have embraced the gospel and are a follower of Jesus Christ?

    I have confessed that Jesus is my Lord and Savior. I believe that He died for my sins and all I need to do is believe and receive His gift of eternal life. I made this decision to follow Christ at a young age, and rededicated my life at age 12.

    Have you been baptized since embracing the gospel and becoming a follower of Jesus? If yes, describe the circumstances of your baptism. If no, would you be willing to allow Emmaus Church to baptize you?

    I was baptized at the age of 7 shortly after I made a decision during my family's church revival to follow Christ and invite Him into my heart and life.

  • Nathanael Nelson

    What is the gospel?

    Jesus saved us from our sins by dying on the cross.The punishment for sin is death so Jesus took our place. He died and was resurrected on the third day after his death. This means that we can live forever with God if we believe in Him.

    Why do you believe you have embraced the gospel and are a follower of Jesus Christ?

    I believe that I am a follower of Jesus because I believe that He died for my sins on the cross. And I want to tell other people about the Gospel.

    Have you been baptized since embracing the gospel and becoming a follower of Jesus? If yes, describe the circumstances of your baptism. If no, would you be willing to allow Emmaus Church to baptize you?

    I am getting baptized on Sunday. Yes. 

  • Erin Schwenk

    What is the gospel?

    Because of His love for us, God sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. Christ was resurrected three days later and is in heaven. He paid this penalty for our sins so that we may have a personal relationship with Him and eternal life if we place our trust in Him. At a time unknown to man, He will return and those who have placed their faith in Him will live with Him in eternity.

    Why do you believe you have embraced the gospel and are a follower of Jesus Christ?

    When I was 9 years old, I accepted the Lord as my personal Savior. I understood that there was nothing I could do to gain salvation; it is by faith alone that I am saved through grace. I understood that I was a sinner and needed Christ in my life. I believed that God truly did send His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for my sins and be resurrected from the dead. I confessed that I was a sinner in need of a Savior.

    Have you been baptized since embracing the gospel and becoming a follower of Jesus? If yes, describe the circumstances of your baptism. If no, would you be willing to allow Emmaus Church to baptize you?

    I was baptized shortly after accepting Christ as my Savior.

  • Tasha Vipond

    What is the gospel?

    The gospel is the Good News that though myself and every other human* has sinned against God and deserves to pay the penalty in death, God in His grace and mercy made a way for us to be reconciled to Him without compromising His just and holy character. God sent His only Son, Jesus, to live a perfect life and die the death that we deserve - bearing the penalty for all our sins. Through Christ's sacrifice, everyone who repents and believes in the name of Jesus is forgiven and made righteous in God's sight. Jesus did everything required for our salvation, and because He rose from the grave and defeated death, we also have the same hope of resurrection and eternal life in Him. 

     *Except Jesus

    Why do you believe you have embraced the gospel and are a follower of Jesus Christ?

    Only and entirely because Christ saved me.

    I was dead in my sin, blinded by pride and selfishness. I was exhausted and discouraged from the perpetual burden of trying to meet expectations and attain affirmation from others. I was disappointed because everything the world promised would fulfill me had left me empty. But Jesus met me there. 

    He gave me a desire to know His word and to know Him. He surrounded me with mature believers. He put me in positions where I was entirely unequipped and unqualified and had no choice but to trust Him. And through all this and more, God opened my eyes, and slowly I began to understand and experience the unimaginable beauty of the gospel I outlined previously. 

    I am a follower of Christ because I have experienced God's love, kindness, forgiveness, and grace, and the only way I can respond to that is to repent, follow Him, and give Him my life. 

    I have received salvation because even though I continue to sin and fall short of God's glory, Jesus's sacrifice is enough for all my iniquities. Instead of the punishment I deserve, I receive eternal life in Christ. This is assured because of the Holy Spirit at work within me.

    Have you been baptized since embracing the gospel and becoming a follower of Jesus? If yes, describe the circumstances of your baptism. If no, would you be willing to allow Emmaus Church to baptize you?

    July 25, 2021, several years after my conversion of faith.